Jono Jones
Jono Jones
Jono is from the rolling hills of the UK. He got his start in DH racing in 2012, but made the switch to Enduro competitions in 2020. You can catch him at events such as Megavalanche and Red Bull Hardline, digging and riding his local trails and building the stoke in his communities both on and offline.

Freeride & Enduro
Preferred Reach:
Height & Weight:
182cm & 92kg
Preferred Wheelsize:
Q & A
Favourite place to ride?
Anywhere that’s loamy and new - the problem is it doesn’t last too long!
How did you get into riding?
My twin brother and I shared a bike when we were little and were super competitive with each other. From BMX to 4X to dirt jumping to downhill - the rest is history.
Favourite trail of all time?
I rode a fresh track in Morzine once that was pretty much an out of control 1 minute skid down a loamy shoot - I’ll never forget it.
Favourite rider to watch?
My brother when he’s on one!
Favourite food / colour / movie?
Burgers / Blue / Top Gun
What are you into outside of bikes?
I like Finance and find that world super interesting (nerd) and also space and science (double nerd).
Scariest riding moment of all time?
The big road gap at Redbull Hardline. It’s insane.
Favourite OneUp product and why?
The handlebars and the engineering behind them. It’s cool to see something that’s been standard for so long be approached in an innovative way.
If you're put on the spot and have to tell a story, what is the story you tell?
I can’t put that in writing.
Favourite trick, to do or to see done?
I’m a racer so a proper scrub does it for me!
Who would you be if you could be any non-mountain bike athlete?
A WSL surfer, living in board shorts on a hot beaches. I SUCK at surfing!
Air or coil shock?
A few years ago this would have been an air shock but love coils now!